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Terms & Conditions

This information, defined as Terms and Conditions, defines the legal terms that apply to the use of our website. Please read the information contained therein carefully and make sure you understand it before using our website and any of the services made available therein. Use implies acceptance by the user of this document.


General Settings

The owner of the website, with the e-mail address, hereinafter referred to as the owner.

Privacy Policy – document describing the procedures that the Owner uses to collect and process the data of those who visit its website.

Terms and Conditions – document that establishes a set of rules (general or special) that, associated with other legislation in force, regulate the use of this website.

User – the person who accesses or uses this website.


Website ownership

This website is the owner’s official website and its content is the owner’s full property.

These Terms and Conditions govern access to this website, as well as its use. By accessing any part or section of this website, using it, or any service linked to the latter, the user declares that he accepts these Terms and Conditions, being subject to any and all obligations that are contained in this document. If you do not accept, please stop using this website immediately.

The Owner reserves the right to change both the contents and services of this page, as well as these Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice, and the respective changes take effect from the exact moment they are published on this website. Acceptance is assumed if the user continues to use the website after the changes have taken effect.

Therefore, the User is advised by the Owner to regularly consult the Terms and Conditions to check for updates and changes.

The owner reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to remove the website and other contents and reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to limit, refuse or interrupt, in part or in full, access to any user to this website.

The rights mentioned in this section can be exercised by the Owner without having to present any other reasonable reason.

When purchasing any good or service on this website, the user declares that he is aware that he is entering into a contract with the owner.



Personal data obtained through the use, by an individual, of this website will be strictly treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be consulted on our website.

This website uses cookies in order to improve the user experience and provide you with a more efficient service. For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy.


Intellectual property

All content published on this website is owned and managed by the owner. However, there may be situations where published content is owned by third parties. In such cases, such content will only be made available after authorization from the respective third parties.

Copyright and related rights, as well as industrial property rights, which cover all the information and content provided by the Owner and its partners, on this website, as well as the software used to operate it, belong entirely to the owner and /or its partners. This list is not exhaustive, so any other right/situation/content not referenced are reserved.

The user is not authorized to modify, publish, transmit, share, transfer, reproduce, distribute, execute, process, assign or commercially exploit, in part or in full, the contents or services (including the software itself) of this website.

However, the user is allowed to download or copy the contents that can be downloaded from this website, provided that this is done exclusively for personal use, in compliance with copyright and other intellectual rights and provided that a mention is made of the brand(s) (s) described above in these reproductions.

The practice of any conduct referred to in the first part of this number is prohibited, without prejudice to cases in which the owner has previously authorized it in writing.

The owner reserves the right to take legal action against the author of any of the prohibited conducts in the previous numbers.


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The owner does not guarantee the user that the contents or services made available on this website fulfill, or are able to fulfill, any needs or expectations of the user. Indeed, the website may contain inaccuracies or errors, despite the fact that the owner seeks to act with the utmost rigor in his activity.

The owner and other partners will make every effort to avoid errors in the contents of this website and to guarantee the safety of users, as well as the reliability of the software used. However, it is not possible to offer full guarantees regarding the adequacy, availability, absence of viruses (or other components that may cause damage) of the software and services present on this website.

Therefore, the owner rejects any responsibility for any damages, direct, indirect and/or incidental, resulting from the use of this website. The owner does not guarantee, in the same way, that any errors existing in the software will necessarily be corrected.

No advice or information obtained by the user through this website will create any guarantee that is not expressed in these conditions. Thus, the owner will not be liable to the user for any damages suffered by him and/or third parties, resulting from the use or impossibility of using this website, or its contents.

Likewise, the owner will not be held responsible, due to delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions of communications and loss of information that originate from factors beyond his control and that are not attributable to him, namely, any deficiencies or failures caused by the computer system, modems, connection software or possible computer viruses, or resulting from the download of infected files, or containing viruses, or other properties that may affect the user’s terminal equipment.

The owner excludes himself from responsibility in cases where the user does not install the appropriate software to protect access, as well as in situations of unpredictable overload of the systems.

The owner is not responsible for any damage suffered by the user and/or by third parties that may arise from technical failures in capturing, viewing or using that are not attributable to him or arising from the failure to update the respective contents. It is also not responsible for damages suffered by the user and/or third parties that may arise from any unauthorized use of the servers used by the owner and/or all the information and data hosted there.

The owner assumes no responsibility for damages arising from any situations of impossibility, delay, suspension or interruption in access to this website due to technical failures, or other reasons, not guaranteeing, likewise, access to the website without interruptions or disturbances, resulting from technical problems.

Likewise, the owner cannot be held responsible for any errors, deficiencies or inaccuracies in the contents, information or services made available on this website.

The owner cannot guarantee the complete immunity of this website to hackers, viruses or other intrusive software.

The download of any material available on this website is the sole responsibility of the user, and the owner cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of information resulting from the download.

The owner disclaims any and all responsibility for the content of any other website. The owner will not be held responsible, in any way, for any loss or damage suffered by the user as a result of the use, by the latter, of a website to which this website is connected via links. The presence, if any, on our website of links to other websites does not confer any guarantee regarding the security, timeliness or adequacy of the content of these websites, and therefore no responsibility can be assigned to the owner.


User Responsibility

No material sent to the email addresses made available on the website contains content:

  • Defamatory;
  • Offensive;
  • Vexing;
  • Pornographic;
  • Obscene;
  • Offensive;
  • Intimidating;
  • Racist;
  • Instigator for the practice of any unlawful act or that violates any third party property right, including, by way of example, any copyright.


User content is submitted by adults.

The user acknowledges and agrees that any and all elements submitted via e-mail may be used by the owner, without prejudice to the rules of Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property or Privacy and Data Protection, and no compensation or acknowledgment is due to him. .

Pursuant to the previous paragraph, the user grants the owner a global, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable or transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, use in public, transmit and publish.


Final dispositions

In the event that any provision of this document is declared null, ineffective or if it is annulled, this situation will not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining clauses, which will remain fully in force, under the terms of article 292 of the Civil Code.

Portuguese law applies to all matters governed by these conditions.

Without prejudice to the cases referred to in Portuguese law, the parties agree that the courts in the owners jurisdiction will be competent to resolve any dispute arising from the contract.


Get in touch

If you have any queries regarding the Terms and Conditions set out in this document, please send us an email to